I decided to move my USB Antminer U3’s to an old laptop, to free up my windows machine for important stuff like games.
First make sure you have the necessary libraries:
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake sudo apt-get install libtool pkg-config libcurl3-dev libudev-dev sudo apt-get install libc6 libcurl3-gnutls libjansson4 sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev
Download the latest cgminer:
mkdir ~/source cd ~/source git clone https://github.com/ckolivas/cgminer.git cd cgminer ./autogen.sh CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall -march=native" ./configure --enable-icarus make
Since cgminer needs access to the usb ports, you need to run it as root:
sudo ~/source/cgminer/cgminer --au3-volt 800 --au3-freq 237.50 -o stratum+tcp://hashpower.co:3333 -u YOUR_USERNAME_HERE_OR_BTC_ADDRESS -p c=BTC
Hello, when i send the “sudo ~/source/cgminer/cgminer –au3-volt 800 –au3-freq 237.50 -o stratum+tcp://hashpower.co:3333 -u YOUR_USERNAME_HERE_OR_BTC_ADDRESS -p c=BTC” it says “sudo: /home/admin/source/cgminer/cgminer: command not found”
sudo apt-get install cgminer
Damn why do u overclocked it so crazy??
Well, these Antminer U3’s are not default overclocked so you have to OC them yourself. This was stable for me, any more and it started getting hardware errors.
How much does it mine per day week month and year ?
As of today, mining BTC with ASIC hardware below a hashrate below TH/s is completely unfeasible and useless, but luckily we have other SHA-256 based currencies compatible for mining with Antminer U3.