Building Bitcoin Core 0.16.3 from source on Ubuntu 18.04.1 desktop amd64

How to build Bitcoin Core 0.16.3 from source on Ubuntu 18.04.1 desktop amd64

You will need to use this PPA so the Berkley DB can get downloaded and installed.

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt-get update

Here are all the dependencies that I used:

sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake libboost-all-dev  libboost-all-dev miniupnpc libdb4.8 libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libminiupnpc-dev libqrencode-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev

Here, the code is in the ~/source folder, if you have it somewhere else, use that:

cd ~/source

Download the source code:

git clone
cd bitcoin

Now we will compile, this process is very lengthy:

sudo make install

Upgraded to:
Bitcoin Core version v0.17.99.0-1e8f88e07 (64-bit)

cd ~/source/bitcoin
git pull
sudo make install

But if you want the latest stable release, look for it here:

For this case:

v0.17.0.1  …
Bitcoin Core final

So you would do:

cd ~/source
git clone --branch v0.17.0.1
cd bitcoin
sudo make install

Setup VNC and RDP on Ubuntu 16.04

If you need to setup VNC and/or RDP on your Ubuntu system, you can do it.

Original instructions came from, but I modified these instructions to work for my setup:

Download the libraries you need:

sudo apt remove -y vnc4server tightvncserver
sudo apt install -y git and devscripts
sudo apt install -y gnome-panel metacity

You will need to download and compile from source:
(yes, you need these double folders)

cd ~/source
mkdir tigervnc
cd tigervnc
git clone
cd tigervnc

This seems to be the specific build that was working:

git checkout 044e2b87da7121ef6cbd59e88b101d7d8e282896 \
-b 044e2b87da7121ef6cbd59e88b101d7d8e282896

Now we do the build:

ln -s contrib/packages/deb/ubuntu-xenial/debian

sudo apt install -y $(grep Build-Depends: debian/control | \
sed -e 's/Build-Depends://g' -e 's/([^\)]*)//g' -e 's/,//g')

chmod a+x debian/rules
fakeroot debian/rules binary

Now install the deb packages:

cd ..
sudo dpkg -i *.deb || (sudo apt -f install -y; sudo dpkg -i *.deb)
cd ..

Install GNOME:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt install -y gnome

echo "gnome-session-classic" > ~/.xsession

mv ~/.vnc/xstartup ~/.vnc/xstartub.bak


RDP Installation:

sudo apt install -y xrdp
sudo systemctl enable xrdp

If you are running this in a VirtualBox, you will need to do some port forwarding:

Default VNC port: 5901
VirtualBox port: 15901 (or whatever)

Default RDP port: 3389
VirtualBox port: 13389 (or whatever)

Build Zencash (ZEN) wallet on Ubuntu

Build Zencash (ZEN) wallet on Ubuntu:

Build everything:

sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake

The actual build takes a long time:

mkdir ~/source
cd ~/source
git clone
cd ~/source/zen/zcutil

Run wallet and then stop it:

cd ~/source/zen/src
./zend -daemon
./zen-cli stop

You will now see a folder ~/.zen
Create zen.conf in this folder that looks like this:


Now start the server again:

cd ~/source/zen/src
./zend -daemon

Use the cli (command line interface) to getinfo:

./zen-cli getinfo

ZEN update (when you need to upgrade)

cd ~/source/zen
git pull
cd ~/source/zen/zcutil

New Windows 10 Mining Rig Checklist

I had this info scattered around in many posts, I thought I would put it all here for a generic checklist when setting up a new mining rig, no matter what you are mining.

Lets start with bios:

Set power to resume at latest state so if your electricity goes out, it will start up again.
Set boot beep on.

Install Windows 10 x64

Install the latest stable AMD Radeon Crimson Drivers:

The latest stable version for me is 16.12.1

Install Awesome Miner, or rather the Remote Agent if this is a mining node:

Setup Virtual Memory to 16 or 32 GB:

16 GB: 16384 MB
32 GB: 32768 MB

Control Panel
System and Security/System
Advanced system settings
Advanced (Tab)/Performance/Settings (Button)
Advanced (Tab)/Virtual Memory/Change (Button)
Uncheck "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives"
Click "Custom Size"

If you can do 32, do it, otherweise 16 would be ok:
Min: 32768
Max: 32768

Click "Set" and get out of all the dialogs...

You may have to reboot.

Reboot straight into mining:

Auto login:

Set Awesome Miner to start on reboot.
Set your managed miner to start on reboot.

Lock after login: (Optional if your rigs are secure)

rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

Other Software you may want to install:




Other Settings you may want to adjust:

Give your computer a name
Allow Remote Access
Power Options
    Turn off display: Never
    Put Computer to sleep: Never
Windows Folder defaults:
    Unhide known extensions
    Unhide system folders
Set your time zone

Never get stuck after a windows crash. Run this as administrator: (This removes the prompt and always reboots normally into windows)

bcdedit /set {current} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures

Remove the popup after a crash: (Sometimes a mining crash has a modal alert waiting for you to hit “OK”)


Navigate to:
  Computer Configuration
  Administrative Templates
  Windows Components
  Windows Error Reporting

Double click on "Prevent display of the user interface for critical errors"

Set to Enabled

Exclude your Mining Software folders from Windows Defender. Don’t let Defender take down your whole mining operation by quarantining your mining software:

C:\common\apps (or wherever)

Build ZClassic (ZCL) wallet on Ubuntu

Build ZClassic (ZCL) wallet on Ubuntu:

Build everything:

sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake

The actual build takes a long time:

mkdir ~/source
cd ~/source
git clone
cd ~/source/zclassic/zcutil

Run wallet and then stop it:

cd ~/source/zclassic/src
./zcashd -daemon
./zcash-cli stop

You will now see a folder ~/.zclassic
Create zclassic.conf in this folder that looks like this:


Now start the server again:

cd ~/source/zclassic/src
./zcashd -daemon

Use the cli (command line interface) to getinfo:

./zcash-cli getinfo

ZCL update (when you need to upgrade)

cd ~/source/zclassic
git pull
cd ~/source/zclassic/zcutil

CPU Mining Zcash (ZEC) on Ubuntu

CPU Mining Zcash (ZEC) on Ubuntu

Install dependancies:

sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential libboost-all-dev

Get code and compile:

cd ~/source
git clone -b Linux
cd nheqminer/cpu_xenoncat/Linux/asm/ && sh && cd ../../../Linux_cmake/nheqminer_cpu && cmake . && make

Here is an example mining command:

~/source/nheqminer/Linux_cmake/nheqminer_cpu/nheqminer_cpu -t 2 -l -u t1cN123qRbBXkQXKqPqq44E4cTh2a8SvwH1.YourMiner

Using SVN to backup

Some basic examples of how to use SVN as a backup system.

Install SVN:

sudo apt-get install subversion

How to create a backup:

mkdir ~/backup
cd ~/backup
mkdir yourcomputername

Copy all the files and folders you want to backup to yourcomputername:

svn import

How to add everything in the folder to SVN:

cd ~/backup
svn add --force * --auto-props --parents --depth infinity -q

How to commit everything that was saved in the backup folder:

svn commit /home/yourusername/backup/yourcomputername -m "yourcomputername backup"

Recovering Backup from SVN Server:

mkdir ~/work
cd ~/work
svn checkout

Delete missing files from an svn source folder:
Original info from:

cd thefoldername
svn st | grep ! | cut -d! -f2| sed 's/^ *//' | sed 's/^/"/g' | sed 's/$/"/g' | xargs svn rm

Build zcash (ZEC) wallet on Ubuntu

Build everything:

sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake
mkdir ~/source
cd ~/source
git clone
cd ~/source/zcash/zcutil
sudo make install

Run wallet and then stop it:

/usr/local/bin/zcashd -daemon
/usr/local/bin/zcash-cli stop

You will now see a folder ~/.zcash
Create zcash.conf in this folder that looks like this:


Now start the server again:

cd ~/source/zcash/src
./zcashd -daemon

The gen=1 turns on mining automatically.

Use the cli (command line interface) to getinfo:

./zcash-cli getinfo

ZEC update (when you need to upgrade)

cd ~/source/zcash
git pull
cd ~/source/zcash/zcutil

If you want to use the ZCash latest stable version:

This is currently: v2.0.2

I upgraded to ZCash v2.0.2

cd ~/source
mv zcash zcash_old
git clone --branch v2.0.2
cd ~/source/zcash/zcutil
cd ~/source/zcash
sudo make install

Overclocking the RX 480 for the Claymore Ethereum-Decred Miner

Using Wattman, your values may have to be tweaked depending on the silicone lottery:

Memory: 2200mhz (overclocked), 975mv (underclocked)
Power Limit: +15%

This will draw 825w from the wall with 3 cards.

Stock for these cards are:

Memory: 2000mhz, 1000mv
Power Limit: 0

In the Claymore Miner config.txt:

-ethi 8
-dcri 60

I left the Core clock at stock which is defaulted to 1266 or 1288 (XFX version)

More can be done with tweaking the Core Clock, but my 850w power supply was already at 825w with 3 cards and motherboard/fans.

Installing another power supply for 3 more cards will let me tweak the numbers some more.

With the settings above, I was able to get:

ETH/ETC: 27 Mh/s (26 Mh/s on one of the cards)
DCR: 810 Mh/s (790 Mh/s on one of the cards)

Heat and Fans:

Max: 80 C
Target: 75 C