There are several things you must do to accomplish this without any user intervention. It is up to you to decide if any of these pose as a security risk depending on your situation.
- Enable your user to automatically login
- Start all your CryptoCoins at login
- Unlock all your CryptoCoin Wallets at login
- Run NOMP as root
Enable your user to automatically login:
- System Settings
- User Accounts
- Automatic Login
Start all your CryptoCoins at login:
- Create a script for each coin “run_bitcoin-qt”
/usr/local/bin/bitcoin-qt -server
- Create a “start_all_coin_wallets” script
echo Starting Crypto Coins... /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-qt -server & /usr/local/bin/mazacoin-qt -server & /usr/local/bin/titcoin-qt -server & /usr/local/bin/UniversalCurrency-qt -server & /usr/local/bin/zetacoin-qt -server & echo Wallets Started.
- Here is the daemon version. Seems to be more stable, but you have to compile the daemon’s for each coin.
echo Starting Crypto Coins... /usr/local/bin/bitcoind -daemon & /usr/local/bin/mazacoind -daemon & /usr/local/bin/titcoind -daemon & /usr/local/bin/UniversalCurrencyd -daemon & /usr/local/bin/zetacoind -daemon & echo Wallets Started.
- Add the “start_all_coin_wallets” script to “Startup Applications”
Unlock all your CryptoCoin Wallets at login:
- Create a script that passes the “walletpassphrase” command
- Example:
/usr/local/bin/bitcoin-cli walletpassphrase "this should be your passphrase in these quotes" 9999999
- Since you don’t know how long it will take to bootup all your wallets, you can set this to run every 5 minutes just to be sure.
- Do this by adding it to the “Scheduled Tasks”
Run NOMP as root
- Why? because “node” needs to run as root or your website won’t work.
- Create a “run_nomp” script, something like this
echo Starting NOMP... cd /home/yourusername/www/nomp sudo node init.js
- You will have to add a line to /etc/sudoers
yourusername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
- Add “run_nomp” to “Startup Applications”
gnome-terminal -e "/home/yourusername/bin/run_nomp"
Reboot your server and watch it boot up.