CPU Mining Zcash (ZEC) on Ubuntu
Install dependancies:
sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential libboost-all-dev
Get code and compile:
cd ~/source git clone -b Linux https://github.com/nicehash/nheqminer.git cd nheqminer/cpu_xenoncat/Linux/asm/ && sh assemble.sh && cd ../../../Linux_cmake/nheqminer_cpu && cmake . && make
Here is an example mining command:
~/source/nheqminer/Linux_cmake/nheqminer_cpu/nheqminer_cpu -t 2 -l us1-zcash.flypool.org:3333 -u t1cN123qRbBXkQXKqPqq44E4cTh2a8SvwH1.YourMiner
Thank you! This is perfect and helped me get some CPU mining up and running after hours of Googling and trying half a$$ed cryptic instructions. So once again, much appreciated!